Service Regulation

... Based on the existing

Legacy telecommunication / ICT networks generally consist of separate layers, each specializing in facilitating the provision of specific services. Since the mid-1990s regulatory guidelines tend to embrace that reality by applying separately and specifically to each particular network. This situation persists in a large majority of countries because the licenses granted in the (then) newly liberalized markets are still valid.

TACTIKOM forged solutions which take account of the existing networks while putting itself in a position to support operators and regulators during the transition to the single network (convergence).

... Based on next generation network

The network said the "next generation" is closer than we may think: it is already in the "double play", "triple play" and other initiatives, such as Skype, which gradually erase the boundaries between networks and services. This rapid convergence is a priority for any network operator and / or service provider because it will be about, in generally liberalized markets, to remain competitive in each market niche.

For national regulatory authorities, the situation becomes almost dangerous because the separation of accounts which applied on competing networks will become obsolete. This phenomenon seems to be well understood as the number of countries where global licenses are granted is increasing steadily. Despite that, regulators might have less and less control on the accuracy of the allocation of costs for both services invoiced to customers and those available to other operators.

ictNetSim, indeed, is designed to handle that situation.


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