Auditing implementation guidelines for quality of service and efficiency

The good quality of service is a strong requirement of the customer, therefore a constant concern of the service provider. Nevertheless, in many cases the senior management of the company is really aware of the situation when a failure has already significantly affected customers.

On the other hand, the quality of service is essentially a reflection of how resources are allocated to different network segments: a lack of resources causes a degradation of quality of service and destroys the costing basis. For example, the interconnection rates have been negotiated on the basis of a quantity of resources used. But at the same time overabundant resources, not only does not lead to an improvement of already good quality of service, but induce avoidable costs which, at the end of the chain, are paid by customers, by interconnected operators or / and shareholders.

The best way to avoid the drawbacks mentioned above is to prevent and manage the evolution of the quality of service, instead of only assessing it from time to time.

ictNetSim, multi-purpose networks and services simulator, can be a valuable tool in this perspective for operators but also for regulators to monitor compliance with regulatory requirements for quality of service.


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