Network planning

An operator decides, after extensive prospective studies, to offer new services to its customers. From this decision stems the need to identify subsequent resource requirements. Resources are generally of the following categories:

a.     resources that vary with the volume of direct consumption of services (e.g. resources in network elements);

b.    resources that become necessary once the service is offered, but that does not necessarily vary as the volume of services consumed varies (e.g. billing software to a new service);

c.     support resources the resizing of which might be necessary (e.g. the commercial support).


Qualitative analysis of these factors is a prerequisite for effective feasibility of introducing a new service.  It must be followed by the quantification and valuation of each of the resources thereof.

In this exercise, the calculation of network infrastructure resource requirements is a key element often evaded.

This often leads to unpleasant quality of service outturn that can be fatal to the nascent service.This is even more important when dealing simultaneously with migration to new technologies whose products are likely to cannibalize existing services.


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